Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The first thing to say

In truth, this is not the first blog I have started. I do not even remember the address of my first blog, nor do I wish to revisit whatever it was I decided it was worth talking about when I was a Freshman in college.

My second blog was a more successful attempt, and not only was it fun to write, but it also made me productive: I learned to cook, got freelance food writing gigs, and in general felt like I was connecting to my city at the time (Providence) and the people in it in a unique and awesome way. If you'd like a look back on my past, you can check out the blog here: tomatosoup.typepad.com. Posts end in 2008, but there is a good two years of material (and food porn) to sift through.

With that said, the positive experience from Tomato Soup, and my recent decision to leave a full-time job to focus on writing and teaching full-time, made me decide that this was something I should try again. Having a blog gave me opportunities, outreach, and a reason to write on a consistent basis.

I have fun, witty writers friends who have blogs (check out "I like these people" to the right) and I eagerly await their posts, whether it be truly about writing and publishing, or just a short story about the recent most hilarious thing their children said- blogging seems to be a good way to communicate for us writers, and I'm ready to jump on the bandwagon with the rest of 'em.

We shall see how this all unfolds, but just like I think it makes the perfect epitaph, so does it make a good blog title because, really, this is just to say...